A Dynamic Evolution


Dynamic’s Evolution from Telescopes to Theme Park Rides

Dynamic has been around for nearly a century. Although the name has changed, it has always designed and built projects that ‘wow’ customers.

We began as Vancouver Art Metal back in 1926. The machine shop mainly focused on steel fabrication of structures and commercial buildings. When the infrastructure boom hit western Canada, the company gained new skills by building several complex, scenic bridges.

In the 1970s the company won the first of many contracts for the astronomy field. It designed and built the dome enclosure for the Canada France Hawaii Telescope. Because of the remote location on top of a volcano in Hawaii, the company quickly learned how to create extremely reliable and precise projects in remote locations.

Based on the success of the first observatory project, we began to build a niche focusing on major international telescope projects. That section of the company is still at it today, now called Dynamic Structures.

As luck would have it, some of the same engineers building the telescope project ending up migrating to the theme park space. Both fields require ground-breaking engineering and precision fabrication. As a result, we were brought on to support several new attractions which would go on to change the theme park industry forever.

After being acquired by Empire Industries, the company quickly began to grow. It expanded its facilities in Vancouver and opened additional facilities in Orlando, Dallas, Toronto and Shanghai.

Won Best New Attraction Concept Award - IAAPA

The Dynamic All-Terrain Dark Ride


Won Best New Attraction Concept Award - IAAPA

The Dynamic Motion Theater


Opened Dallas Office

Began offering Parts & Services support


Opened 10 Attractions on 4 Continents

Europe's First Flying Theater


First Project in China

4th Dimension Roller Coaster

Developed Tracked Robot Ride System with International Theme Park

Becomes the most popular ride in the world



Entered Attractions Industry

Began long-standing relationships with the top 2 international theme park operators


Built the Keck Telescope Observatory



Keck's Chief Engineer will eventually work for Walt Disney Imagineering

First Astronomy Industry Project

Built Canada France Hawaii Telescope Observatory


Acquired By AGRA

Built Bridges & Structures